23. October 2023 | Marathon-News

We provide the optimal catering on the route

We have prepared some aid stations along the course to support you in the best possible way during your race.

There are aid stations every 5 km along the marathon course.

At km 5 and 10 these are set up on both sides of the course, otherwise the refreshment takes place on one side.

The aid stations are set up as follows:

Time indication, medical assistance, refreshments, tubs for soaking sponges, waste garbage cans. As refreshments we offer Rosbacher mineral water Naturell, isotonic drinks from Rosbacher and tea. At km 30, 35 and 40 there will be additional bizzl Cola.

From km 15 to the finish line, there will also be organic bananas from our partner Querbeet.

At km 15 and km 30 Maurten Gels will be served.

From km 12.5 additional water stations are set up every 5 km. Here Rosbacher Mineralwasser Naturell is ready for you.

More details

We provide the optimal catering on the route