3. October 2016 | Marathon-News

More Than The ABCs of Running – With Your Help We Create The Runner’s Alphabet

From A like agility to F like flat feet, g like goals, or H like hill repeats and finally to Z like zippers we want to create Germany’s most comprehensive Runner’s ABC that includes the entire alphabet. And we would like your help for this.

Mathhias Politycki is one of Germany’s most famous writers, a passionate marathon runner and author of the book „42,195 – why we run marathon and what we think while doing it“. All the characters he writes about in this book will actually be in Frankfurt running the marathon this year. You can read all about this on the blogwww.politicky-and-friends.de and that’s where you also find the Runner’s ABC wher you can add your own entry. Be creative and let this dictionary grow.

The best entries will be published in our official Marathon magazine.