Course video 2017
You’ll be running on a flat, very fast course. Throw the usual excited crowd along the course into this mix and everything is set for new records – for you and for the pro athletes. Top finish times have been our tradition for now over 36 years. „If you are looking for a perfect finale of your marathon season, Frankfurt is the right place for you“ says Race Director Jo Schindler. Since Wilson Kipsang from Kenya took Frankfurt in storm in 2011 his winning time (2:03:42 hours) has remained the third fastest in the world. From a German point of view Arne Gabius finished in a similar fashion by breaking an old German record (2:08:33) in the Festhalle.
But most personal records are from amateur runners. Our statistics show that on average by looking at the entire field of runners the Mainova Frankfurt Marathon is the fastest in Germany. Last year alone more than 1000 runners (men and women) finished in less than three hours. One reason is the low elevation of only 30 meters for the entire course. But more importantly: „In Frankfurt you will alwalys find a group of similarly strong runners. That’s the basis for a fast time“, says Jo Schindler.
Watch now the course video of teh Mainova Frankfurt Marathon 2017