3. October 2016 | Marathon-News

Fund raiser brings €24,000 for Caritas

All in all €24,000 were raised for the Frankfurt branch of Caritas, a non-profit social service organisation.Race Director Jo Schindler from the organizing agency „motion events“ and Aline Boike, representing the marathon team from Procter & Gamble on Monday gave the money to Gaby Hagmans, director of Caritas Frankfurt.

The money was raised through inidividual donations from runners during the Frankfurt Marathon 2015 and will contribute to health- and sports-related activities with children in Caritas institutions.

In addition, €3000 were donated for refugee children by radio host Dirk Froberg from hr who had raised the money also during last year’s marathon.

Gaby Hagmans was excited about the result. „2015 again has shown that our charity partnership will motivate runners to support children in Frankfurt.“ When the project continues in 2016 the partnership will have run for ten years.

So how did runners donate money during the marathon? Very easy. As every year there is a „Donation Gate“ at the Hauptwache. If a participant of the Frankfurt Marathon choose to run through this gate, he or she commits to a donation of €3.

The succesful partnership between Caritas Frankfurt and the Frankfurt Marathon has been established in 2007. In these nine years more than €250,000 have been raised. Enough for over 200 projects to be funded by Caritas Frankfurt throughout the years. Funds are used for sports projects for children as well as related information campaigns.

In return Caritas Frankfurt supports the marathon organisation by providing over 100 volunteers at and behind the finish line where they wait for runners with food, drinks and kind words.

More information about the initiative can be found at www.caritas-frankfurt.de/marathon.