15. October 2016 | Marathon-News

It Is A Gift To Finish A Marathon

Holger Kamlah, Vice Dean of the Evangelical Church in Frankfurt holds the sermon of the ecumenical marathon service. The active runner talks about faith, marathon and going to church in running shoes.

What do faith and marathon have in common?
I’m not someone to overestimate the spiritual side of running but I see parallels as in the wish to get through something and achieve a goal. The plea to overcome exhaustion and master the mental challenge is quite similar to a prayer. A runner can experience a marathon not only as something he achieved on his own but also as a gift.

You hold the sermon of the traditional marathon service on Saturday evening. How do you feel in front of a congregation in running shoes?
Last year I ran with a colleague and two refugees in a relay team. We met the day before at the Marathonmall and went to the service together. I was really surprised how many people attended. More than 100 people from Germany and many different countries listen very closely. Of course that is not your typical congregation. But I like to preach to people who probably do not regularly come to church on Sundays. I see it as an opportunity to show them the view a faithful person has on the world and on sports.

What will be the theme of your sermon?
It will be along the lines of the Epistle to the Hebrews. It’s about the plea to overcome exhaustion. This is not only about running a marathon but symbolizes different phases in life. I hope that everyone gets through the marathon and possibly achieves a new personal best – but that is not of vital importance in life. Every day we are challenged with situations we cannot always master on our own. We rely on others and on God. If you run marathon you can learn something for these phases of your life.

Will you run this year?
I have finished twelve marathons, five in Frankfurt. During my last Frankfurt Marathon I suffered a fatigue fracture and since then there are limits to my running performance but I still run for ten to twelve kilometers up to twice a week.

The ecumenical marathon service with the trombone band of the Eschborn church is Saturday at 6pm in the “Blauer Saal” in the Festhalle.