3. October 2015 | Marathon-News

Caritas Charity Gate a km 7,5 and 39

It’s large, it’s red and you can’t miss it: The Caritas Charity Gate at the Hauptwache at kms 7,5 and 39.Every runner who goes through the gate with his ChampionChip automatically donates 3€.

The Caritas and the Frankfurt Marathon founded the initiative “Gemeinsam mehr bewegen” in 2007 and since then have raised 225.000€ for children in need. With this money the Caritas was able to realize over procurements and projects.

This year a part of the funds raised will be donated to refugee projects. There are also more than 100 refugees integrated into the volunteer teams at the finish area.

We hope to raise more money than usually because this year the Hessische Rundfunk started a fundraiser for refugee children that supports Caritas projects. TV reporter Dirk Froberg will run the entire marathon, accompanied by sports stars, and collect donations on the way.