7. December 2016 | Marathon-News

An easy city run with Mikitenko and Gabius

It’s not an easy task for a Bavarian reporter to cover an Hessian running event. Especially if the title of the event poses a sort of language barrier. After all, the traditional soft pretzel is known by different names depending where you come from in Germany. Breze or Brezn they call it south of the Weißwurstäquator (white sausage equator), the ironically termed cultural boundary of Bavaria. But Brezel, as it is known in Frankfurt, in a linguistic no-go there. No wonder, the term Brezellauf (Pretzel Run) is a tongue twister for Bavarians.


However, regional dialects are luckily not the most important thing this sunny Saturday morning. At the busy start of the marathon weekend in Frankfurt the most important thing is having fun – no matter who you are or where you’re from. That’s one of the reasons why illustrious visitors like to mingle among the crowd. Obviously in the best mood the German running stars Arne Gabius, Irina Mikitenko and Herbert Steffny are getting ready with thousands of others for the Pretzel Run or Breakfast Run as it is sometimes called. As the Bavarian reporter spots a few fellow countrymen, easily recognizable from the Bavarian flag they are waving, she doesn’t feel alone anymore. But the crowd features more diversity than just a few different German regions. A South African runner with her flag can be seen in perfectly matching running outfit.


Two running mates from Shanghai have joined the morning run as well. For them the Breakfast run is something to get into the mood for next day’s marathon. They have never had a German pretzel before and are very curious. But these local delicacies have to be earned so the crowd gets moving at 10am. There are no winners or losers, no timed results or rankings. Instead everyone happily jogs together in a large group through the sealed off streets of Frankfurt. Many of the attendees are volunteers at the marathon the next day.
For impressions click here.