26. July 2024 | Marathon-News

A sustainable partnership: Fattoria la Vialla and Mainova Frankfurt Marathon sign long-term agreement

Fattoria la Vialla extends its sponsorship of the Mainova Frankfurt Marathon / Signalling the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and environmentally conscious action


This partnership emphasises the Mainova Frankfurt Marathon’s commitment to sustainability and healthy eating and highlights the perfect synergy between the renowned winner of the German Sustainability Award, Fattoria la Vialla, and the ‘Green Marathon’, the Mainova Frankfurt Marathon.


The organisation team of Germany’s oldest city marathon has been committed to sustainable event management for many years. Activities in the area of sustainable sporting events began in 2005, when sustainability was not yet ‘en vogue’. Back in 2014, the Mainova Frankfurt Marathon was honoured with the ‘Green Award’ for the world’s most environmentally friendly marathon by AIMS, the Association of International Road Race Organisers. The partnership with Fattoria la Vialla is an important part of the ‘Green Marathon’ commitment.


With this long-term partnership, Fattoria la Vialla is setting an example for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and environmentally conscious behaviour. The Mainova Frankfurt Marathon and Fattoria la Vialla share the values of community, health and sustainability, which makes this collaboration a perfect match.


Fattoria La Vialla is a family-run agricultural business in Tuscany. Today, the family cultivates 1,600 hectares of land using organic and biodynamic methods, which is the largest Demeter-certified area in Italy. They produce wine, extra virgin olive oil, pecorino, antipasti, sauces, pasta, biscuits, sweets, honey and vinegar – everything is made directly on the farm! In November 2023, Fattoria

La Vialla was honoured with the German Sustainability Award 2024.


The German Sustainability Award is the national award for excellence in sustainability in business, communities and research. With eight competitions (including the Next Economy Award for ‘green founders’), over 1,200 applicants and 2,000 guests at the events, the award is the largest of its kind in Europe. The award is presented by the Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis e.V. (German Sustainability Award Foundation) in cooperation with the German government, leading municipal associations, business associations, civil society organisations and research institutions.


Fattoria La Vialla focusses its production on an environmentally friendly circular economy, biodiversity and the preservation of fertile soils. Transparency and local production round off the company’s approach. The company has already achieved a positive carbon footprint and is committed to more organic farming on a social level.


„Wir gratulieren unseren Freunden ganz herzlich zu diesem tollen Preis, das beweist mal wieder: Gutes setzt sich durch! Durch die Fortsetzung unserer Partnerschaft dürfen wir abermals die Teilnehmer des Mainova Frankfurt Marathon mit den köstlichen Produkten von Fattoria la Vialla verwöhnen. Die Partnerschaft zwischen Fattoria la Vialla und dem Mainova Frankfurt Marathon verspricht eine erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Zukunft für beide Seiten“ betont Jo Schindler, Renndirektor des Mainova Frankfurt Marathon. Im Rahmen der Fattoria la Vialla Pasta Party werden 2 Tonnen Bio-Nudeln und 1.900 Liter Bio-Sauce der Fattoria La Vialla an die Teilnehmer ausgegeben. Jede Portion Nudeln mit Soße verbraucht 430 Gramm weniger CO² als das vergleichbare Produkt eines konventionellen Herstellers.


Zudem pflanzt der Veranstalter im zweijährigen Rhythmus Olivenbäume auf dem Landgut in der Toskana. Die bereits gepflanzten Bäume binden 240 Tonnen CO² pro Jahr, sie produzieren Sauerstoff, regulieren den Wasserhaushalt und vermindern die Bodenerosion. „Die Fattoria La Vialla ist ein toller Partner des Marathons. Die Olivenbäume binden mehr CO² pro Jahr als wir mit unseren Reisen als Veranstalter während des Jahres sowie die Reisen aller unserer Topathleten nach Frankfurt verursachen. Darüber freuen wir uns sehr“, betont Jo Schindler.


Weitere Informationen zur Fattoria la Vialla unter www.lavialla.com

A sustainable partnership: Fattoria la Vialla and Mainova Frankfurt Marathon sign long-term agreement | Picture: Franco Firera