26. October 2023 | Marathon-News

Our after-race nutrition and meeting points

After you have walked the last meters over the red carpet in the festival hall and arrived at the finish of your marathon dreams, you will reach the finish catering area on the open space “Agora”.

There you will receive your medal and a poncho.

At our athletes’ buffet you will find: Rosbacher mineral water and isotonic drinks, beers from the Krombacher brewery, organic bananas and organic apples from Querbeet, bars, soups, cakes, and much more.

Please notice that it is not possible to return from the after-race nutrition area to the finish line area. In the after-race nutrition area and the finish line area only participants are allowed. Friends and family can watch you crossing the finish line in the public areas inside the music hall “Festhalle”.

From the after-race nutrition area you will be directed directly to the exhibition hall 1 via the open space “P1”.

You can arrange meeting points with other participants or your friends & family at the area “P1” or inside hall 1.

See Map

After Race nutrition and meeting points