21. July 2023 | Marathon-News

100 days to go until the Mainova Frankfurt Marathon

The Mainova Frankfurt Marathon will celebrate its 40th anniversary on 29 October 2023. Today it is exactly 100 days until the start of Germany’s oldest city marathon, which again promises to be a very special running experience.


The course: fast. The atmosphere at the side of the course: fantastic. The finish: overwhelming. More than 27,000 participants are expected at this year’s Mainova Frankfurt Marathon. In addition, weather permitting, around 400,000 spectators and more than 80 action points and bands along the course await the participants and make for Frankfurt’s largest street festival.


The Mainova Frankfurt Marathon is a major sporting event with a long tradition in Frankfurt am Main. In 1981, the running classic was held for the first time and thus took on a pioneering role in Germany. Frankfurt was the first city in the Federal Republic to close streets for runners and allow a marathon in the city centre. The 2023 marathon weekend will be dedicated to the anniversary: participants can look forward to an 80s festival on the course, the history of the marathon will be presented in the form of a large exhibition at the marathon fair, and of course there will be a special gift for the marathon runners.


Register here: Mainova Frankfurt Marathon | motionevents-registrations.com

100 days to go