7. December 2016 | Marathon-News

„I put everything into the final sprint“

We talked to 14 year old Larissa Löb directly after she won the girl’s race of the Mini-Marathon


Congratulations, great performance. What was the race like?


I had lots of fun and everything went by really fast. At first I thought I had one more round to go so I had some strength left. Then I put everything into the final sprint.


… leaving not only the girls but lots of boys behind you. Who is your role model in sports?


There is no one special I’m very interested in the entire running community. Gesa Felicitas Krause, the Hahnertwins, Arne Gabius – these are all great athletes. I follow their races and try to learn from them.


So you’re mainly interested in long distance runners. Can you see yourself running a marathon some time in the future?


Maybe later but that’s a long time away. I would like to work my way up step by step from middle distance races to longer distances and we’ll see when I arrive at the marathon.


Larissa, many thanks for the interview and we hopefully see you here next year.