7. November 2016 | Marathon-News

Successful Premiere for Mainova as Title Sponsor

Regional energy supplier Mainova premiered as title sponsor for the 35th edition of the Frankfurt Marathon. In perfect weather conditions the performances of the all athletes and relay teams as well as the contagious enthusiasm of the spectators made for a great atmosphere. About 200 participants ran in the „Team Mainova“ taking up the challenge of the region’s most popular mass sports event. Their performance was crowned by the red carpet finish in the Festhalle.

Mainova thanks all partners, volunteers and athletes for the magnificent commitment and energy they brought to this event. Mainova is proud to be part of this strong community. As a patron of sport in this region we are pleased to present you a sweepstake of one of our partners:

The FRAPORT SKYLINERS will draw two VIP tickets for the game FRAPORT SKYLINERS vs Baskets Oldenburg on November 27th 2016 in the Fraport Arena. Just send us an email to mainova@skyliners.de in order to take part in the raffle. The winners will be drawn from all participants. Deadline for participation is November 15th 2016.