11. December 2017 | Marathon-News

Running for a cause…

… this opportunity was done by many athletes during that Mainova Frankfurt Marathon when they ran through the donation door at the Hauptwache.

The donation door, that is easily noticeable at both kilometers 7 and 39 on the course, it was of the running classic on the Main for 11 years now.  This year again thousands of runners were willing to run through the door and donate 4 euros each.  The sum goes to the first-time new charity partner of the Mainova Frankfurt Marathon, the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund.  The ASB in the state of Hesse uses the money collected for the project “the wish wagon”.

When life nears its end, many wishes are often unfulfilled.  And yet, many of the sickest of people are not able to meet these wishes, or have not had to opportunity to catch up on things they missed out in life, such as seeing the person that is important to them and leaving life in a peaceful manner.  This is what the ASB does with its arrangements, as they travel with the patients to their last place of yearning.  This is free of cost for these patients, “the wish wagon „thrives for the volunteers that are paid only through donations.

The ASB was 3 days active by the 36th Mainova Frankfurt Marathon with 119 helpers and volunteers from the complete state of Hesse.  In total around 1250 volunteer hours for the good cause and sport were accounted for.  “It was great to experience, how everyone worked together for a common goal and cause.  Most of them have already, stated that they want to help again”, says Martina Roth from the state of Hesse. “After the run, is before the run.”

Running director Jo Schindler says, “The Mainova Frankfurt Marathon is for thousands of participants and spectators a day full of joy and emotions.  We are more than happy to do something for the sickest of people and their loved ones.”

For more information about the project, “the wish wagon” from the ASB or the bank account information you can find at:  www.wuenschwagen.de .