22. October 2017 | Marathon-News

After the marathon – Tips for regeneration after the big race from running expert Carsten Eich

Take a break and try something new
Happy feeling mixed with burning muscles.  In the euphory, comes tiredness.  The legs no longer need to run.  And the world is turned upside-down in the Frankfurt Convention Center, for many wonderful moments.  But now what?  With tips from running expert Carsten Eich, we’ll help you to plan your regeneration the best way possible.  The most important tip from the former half marathon European record holder: “Take a break and try something new!”

In the finish: Take in energy, take the energy with you

Directly after the jubilee at the finish it is important, fast as possible to take in and energy and liquids.  Carbohydrates, minerals, protein – the muscle and the cells need energy in order to start the regenerations process.  Even when you are not very hungry when crossing the finish line or don’t feel the need, you should absolutely use the catering at the finish line.  Then change quickly to dry clothes, because the danger of getting a cold at this moment is extremely high.  The motto for the next hour is: Enjoy! If there is the possibility to have a massage or a relaxing bath, then do it.  Eat and drink up with your running friends and celebrate with your family and enjoy the day: “It is important, to take in the positive energy of the marathon experience.  The regeneration has also a psychological aspect to it”, says Eich.

The day after: Running break, recharge

On the day after, your body tells you what type of movement is possible.  And your body urges you to run on the day afterwards, but Eich doesn’t recommend it: “I am against this. Unless you feel like your need to, then you can.”  By most of the runners, your muscles are not yet ready to be used.  I myself goes up the stairs backwards for the first 3-4 days after a marathon”, says the 2-time Olympic participant.  A good circulation of the muscles is possible even without running – on the ergometer, in the sauna or with a hot bath.

More important, is instead of thinking about training, is to take a real break.  “Out of the endless loop”, gives Carsten Eich’s as his motivation.  Instead of thinking, how I am going to run the next 30, 40, or 50 km every week, you should take a real break, a break for the body and mind.  One or two weeks without running does the body good.  “It’s like the work life.  You should completely take a break and not take the work with you on vacation.  Recharging your batteries stand in the foreground after the marathon.”  If after your big race there is still a little emptiness, it is obvious, “allow and win distance”, recommends Eich. “With new goals for the early year 2018, comes the motivation from alone.”


Start with new

After the break is a new start necessary: a varied and general training of 3 to 5 weeks and this besides running.  Bicycling, swimming, cross country skiing, cross-training and fitness machine – everyone has their different possibilities and preferences. “In this sense, I am talking about stressing the muscles differently, then with running.  Once time a year, a person should have such a trainings phase.”  New stimulus helps the body, not only before the marathon, but after the marathon as well.