7. August 2017 | Marathon-News

#marathongirl Saskia Rutz: From love to running

Actually, it should have been a once in a lifetime experience for her: to run a marathon. After her knee injury that she sustained from volleyball, Saskia Rutz had her goal in sight, and that was at least to overcome the 42,195 kilometers at least one time. But the first timer, had was overcome with emotions and woke up to the runner’s world when she in 2014 completed her first marathon in 2014 in Dublin, said the 39-year old. “I experienced the whole palette of emotions that I experienced over 4 hours.” This still hasn’t changed to this day, now she’s ran 6 marathons (New York, Paris and Berlin) and 2 ultra-marathons now can’t get enough from running. “A marathon not only makes your stronger but also, more self-confident. During the training, you experience highs and lows. And you are constantly discussing with yourself” she says.
Saskia was born in Belgium, and has 2 children ages 7 and 9 and lives with her family in the Swiss state of Thurgau. Together with her husband the own a cheese factory, and additional the offer kid’s sports courses. With running, you can accomplish a lot daily. When the kids get in the school bus, she laces up her shoes and runs up the “Hill” a 700-meter high elevation run that’s just right outside the house door. For the long runs on the weekend, the alarm rings between 5 and 6 in the morning- this gives Saskia time to make breakfast for her family when she gets back home. In the summer, the family Rutz takes a time out and heads on over to the US and tours the US in their camper from Seattle to Las Vegas. Of course, the running shoes are packed with them, “of course to stay fit”, expressed Saskia. The preparation for the Mainova Frankfurt Marathon begins after the summer break. With this she leaves out alcohol. And with her short but hard trainings plan, that consists of 4 runs a week that is already planned out. Saskia already knows when she runs, with who she runs and when she runs and where. It’s quite convenient that I have 2 friends that are also preparing for their fall marathon as well. “I love the time I have for myself, to get out and go into the nature and to hear every step, and to feel my pulse and the feel of my breathing so intensively. I love this feeling”, says Saskia, who was more than once a pacemaker for the short distances. Competitions are my fuel and what I earn.

#marathongirl Saskia Rutz: From love to running